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Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening treatments are one of the most popular treatments for maintaining that stunning, naturally white smile we all crave. You may find that your teeth are discolored over time and no longer have the youthful luster they once had. These stains are caused by foods such as tea, coffee or soy and can spread deep into the tooth. our clinic gives various tooth whitening techniques to give patients whiter, healthier, happier smiles.

How long teeth whitening last

Teeth whitening effects can last up to three years if you avoid smoking and consuming colored foods or drinks that can stain your teeth In general, it is recommended to repeat the process as often as needed, depending on lifestyle.

Keep your teeth white after the whitening

During the first two weeks of your whitening treatment, avoid anything that might stain your teeth . Examples include tea, coffee, red wine or ketchup. If possible, choose clear liquids over dark liquids, rinse your mouth with water after meals, and drink from a straw.

Deep cleaning

Cleaning your teeth can help you prevent bad breath and gum disease. Brushing and flossing are essential. You should also see your dentist twice a year for regular dental checkups. Your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning of your teeth if there are signs of bleeding, receding gums, and missing teeth. Gingivitis, or gum infection, can be caused by a buildup of plaque, or tartar. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. This is a serious infection that can cause the bone that protects the teeth to break down. Deep cleaning treatments can help remove plaque and tartar from teeth, reduce gum irritation, and improve gum health. You must know the importance of cleaning your teeth thoroughly.