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Root Canal Treatment

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Treatment

If patients notice changes in their teeth, such as responses to heat and cold stimuli, this may indicate that they need root canal treatment. Sensitive teeth warn that toxic bacteria are invading the jaw nerve and need to be removed. If left untreated, the bacteria and decaying tissue can cause a serious infection that can lead to pulp death, bone loss and, in some cases, tooth loss. Swelling of the face and neck, tooth decay, toothache or pain, swollen gums, and temperature sensitivity are also possible signs and symptoms.

Getting Rid of Toothache

There are many reasons for toothache, but if you do have a toothache, think about how to get rid of it! Toothache can make life extremely difficult. Some serious problems may not be visible to the naked eye, but you may experience a mild toothache. Your roots, like your teeth, need a thorough inspection.